Stewardship Campaign Information 2023-2024

You did it! You "Envisioned UCB's Success" Thank you!

As we plan for those glorious spring days to come in our yards and landscapes, we first envision the beautiful garden in the glory days of summer and ponder what seeds to order, what plants to move, and what new look we want to achieve. At UCB, we also plan for the future to ensure that our beloved community can prosper and support us all through the good times and rough ones as well.

Now is the time of year when we are asked to financially support UCB so that the programs, the staff, and the building and grounds continue that foundation of strength and support we all yearn for today and for the year to come. We write to ask for your pledge of financial support to UCB for fiscal year 2024, which starts on July 1, 2023. Each year, we are asked to express our love for UCB and each other by pledging our financial support to fund our operations.

We hope everyone will respond whether you can pledge a donation or not. You can make the difference and leave a legacy of love through UCB. To make your pledging easier, we are now digital.  All you have to do is send email to our Treasurer, Dan Ewing.  If you would prefer a paper Pledge Card, just email Dan and one will be sent to you. Envision UCB’s success and make your pledge to this year’s stewardship campaign today!

The Stewardship Committee: Janet Abbott, Kathy Bryan, Dan Ewing, Connie Hinds, Kim Hanggi and Phread Ayres

Updated May 13, 2023
On Fire! On Fire!

Church Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday mornings • 9:00 - 1:00 p.m.
Ph: 508 362-6381 • P.O. Box 285 • 3330 Main Street • Barnstable, MA • 02630-0285