Welcome to UCB's Children and Youth Ministries!
![Coastal Sweep](../images/CoastalSweep.jpg)
Our mission is to:
- Provide a safe and sacred space to learn, share and grow in
- Honor and affirm the gifts, creativity and diversity of all children and youth
- Help create the essential building blocks for a spiritual, loving, healthy, compassionate, and proactive community
The children’s affirmation is:
- We believe in Unity
- We believe in Community
- We believe that each of us has the Power to Make a Difference in the world
Our program:
Before COVID, our program for children and youth started during our Sunday morning worship starting at 10:30. We stayed in the Sanctuary for the much of the service. After the ‘Child Within Us All’ time, we proceeded to the Children and Youth Center along with 2 adult volunteers for a multi-age program lasting 20 to 30 minutes. The Nursery/Childcare room opened at 10:30 for those under 5 years, though we invite and welcome our youngest members in worship too.
During COVID, the biggest change has been location. If the weather is good, we meet at one of the many beautiful open spaces in the area. We are masked and socially distanced, but can share the joy of being together. If the weather is not amenable to outdoor activity, we meet for 30 minutes on Zoom.
Our philosophy:
Our multiage group uses expressive arts and experiential learning to build community with children, youth and families and bring the seven principles of Unitarian Universalism alive. We have a multicultural and anti-oppressive approach in all we do and believe that children and youth learn best through play!