Stewardship Campaign Information 2025-2026
If you understand the importance of pledging, skip to the last paragraph. Otherwise please read below.
Where do you find solace, comfort and healing? Is UCB a sanctuary for you and your loved ones? Does UCB provide your mind, heart and soul with what it cries out for right now? If you find UCB gives you the inspiration, friendship, comfort and love that helps you through life’s challenging journey, think hard about how you personally will sustain that source. Each of us has a duty and an opportunity to nurture UCB and continue its legacy of freedom, love and democracy now and in the future.
We have set a goal of $246,000 which is slightly higher than this year’s goal. Happily, at this point, we expect to finish the current fiscal year with our income covering our expenses thanks to the generous support of our members and friends. Now we need promises to fund next year.
Our stewardship campaign to fund our annual operating budget began on Sunday, March 9. Consider this note your invitation to participate and we hope everyone will respond whether you can pledge a donation or not. We ask that each of you pledge to preserve the future of your sanctuary home at UCB. To make your pledging easier, all you have to do is send our Treasurer, Dan Ewing, an email with your pledge amount. If you would prefer a paper Pledge Card, please email Dan and one will be sent to you. We don’t need actual money until the year begins on July 1 but we need your commitment now.
The Stewardship Committee:
Janet Abbott, Mary Jane Beach, Susan Brinckerhoff, Kathy Bryan, Dan Ewing, Kim Hanggi, Rev.Dr.Kristen Harper, Connie Hinds, Patty Kenyon, Rosemarie Merino
Updated March 28, 2025
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